Receive Emergency Notifications - Star Alert
Time-sensitive emergency and weather notifications from campus leaders and the Safety and Security Department are sent via phone calls, texts and/or emails.
For Students & Employees
All enrolled students and employees are automatically set up to receive Star Alert messages to their primary contact methods listed with the college. You may change/update your Star Alert contact information or preferences. NOTE: When accessing the site for the first time, use "Sign Me Up" link to complete.
Update Your Star Alert Contact Information
For Parents, Family & Friends
Parents, family, friends of the college and members of the community may also register to receive Star Alerts.
Parents, Family, Friends Register for Star Alert Emergency Messages
Request Vehicle Escort Service
The Anoka Technical College Public Safety Department provides escort services to your vehicle.
Contact Security Officer: 612-817-4585
Vehicle Escort Hours
- Monday thru Thursday 7 am to 10 pm
- Fridays until 7 am to 5 pm
Additional arrangements can be made on a case-by-case basis.

Weather & Emergency Closing
Campus closings are communicated via Anoka Tech website homepage, Star Alert emergency messaging, WCCO Radio and Television, general information phone line: 763-433-1100.
Weather & Emergency Closing or Cancellation Procedure
Campus Compliance & Security Report
Anoka Technical College encourages all students and community members to be fully aware of their personal safety on and around the campus and to take action to prevent and to report illegal and inappropriate activities. Personal awareness and applying personal safety practices are the foundation of a safe community.
How to Report:
Call 911
If this is not a life-threatening accident, call Security 612-819-4585 and your supervisor.
Call 911
Pay close attention: When you saw/heard shooter. Where you saw/heard shooter. Direction shooter was moving. Any identifying or descriptive information.
- If the shooter is in your area - hide out! Secure the room and turn off the lights. Move occupants to the inside wall.
- If the shooter is in another part of the building - leave or lock down/lock. Remain in the area until cleared by law enforcement or security.
- If the shooter is relatively close - lock down/lock out! Stay put until the all-clear is announced.
Remain calm. Keep the caller on the line. Gather as much information as possible.
As someone near you to call 911 and contact Public Safety 612-819-4585.
Small Spills:
Contact supervisor/faculty
Larger Spills:
Contact supervisor/faculty
Security Officer 612-819-4585
Public Safety Director 763-433-1184
- Call 911
- Pull the alarm box nearest the fire to sound the fire alarms.
- Contact:
Security Officer 612-819-4585
Public Safety Director 763-433-1184
Contact supervisor/faculty
Security Officer 612-819-4585
Public Safety Director 763-433-1184
For product safety questions, contact Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222
Visit the Public Safety Office, Rm 122 for lost and found items.
If you are in immediate danger, please call 911 as soon as possible.
Anoka Tech Contacts
Jay Nelson, Chief Human Resources Officer
Rm AN-143A
Tara S. Martinez, (Title IX Coordinator),
Interim Dean of Community Partnerships and Student Success
Rm AN-112
If You Have Been a Victim of Sexual Violence
- Know that you're the victim and it is not your fault
- Find a safe environment and a trusted friend to stay with you
- Consider taking steps to preserve physical evidence
- If possible, go directly to an Emergency Room at a local hospital.
- It is best not to bathe or wash and keep your clothing in a paper bag to preserve evidence.
The 1B.3 Sexual Violence Policy of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (Minn State) system addresses sexual violence/sexual assault. This policy states that sexual violence is an intolerable intrusion into the most personal and private rights of an individual and is prohibited. Sexual violence includes a continuum of conduct that includes sexual assault, non-forcible sex acts, dating and relationship violence, stalking, as well as aiding acts of sexual violence.
This policy applies to all Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (this includes Anoka Technical College) students and employees and to others, as appropriate. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is committed to eliminating sexual violence in all forms and will take appropriate remedial action against any individual found responsible for acts in violation of this policy. Acts of sexual violence may also constitute violations of criminal or civil law, or other Board Policies that may require separate proceedings.
To further its commitment against sexual violence, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities provides reporting options, an investigative and disciplinary process, and prevention training or other related services as appropriate.
To learn and get more specific information about this policy please go to the following link:
To learn more about the procedures associated with this policy, please go to the following link:
To learn more and view the materials used to train officials at the college that work with sexual violence issues, please go to the following links:
1B.1 Investigator Training
Title IX & Sexual Violence Investigations
Analyzing the Investigative Report
Title IX Coordinator Training