Safety Officer Working in 安全 Office.


我们的学生,员工和访客的安全是最重要的. In order to stay true to our mission, 我们有必要在校园提供安全可靠的学习环境.

Hwy 10 Construction Updates

任务 of 公共安全 Office

的 安诺卡技术 公共安全 staff provide a professional, proactive safety and security resources community. Our duty is to support 安诺卡技术’s mission, 目标, and core values by securing, 监控, 为学院提供行政管理、环境卫生和安全资源,同时为社区提供能见度, 协调所有安诺卡技术人员的安全相关活动和培训, and acting as a liaison with local emergency services. We are committed to individuals, 传统, 以及校园的多样性,我们将努力创造一个所有人都能生活的安全环境, 工作, and pursue academic success.
